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The end of "Psychadelicatessen," Spiney and Eric encourage people to vote, "Concert Billboard," "Ren and Stimpy" sound effects, William Burroughs ID, the theme is prisons, a report from China, Moscow Mailbag has stopped coming, Confuse The Operator: trying to find a prison in Juneau and trying to call a prisoner, the presidential debates get heated, political moves, more of the same about Iraq, a complaint about "Primetime Live," Eric's experience in the Crown Heights riots, controversy over Hauppauge's zip code, talk of Marc Gunning and the gay/lesbian show on WUSB, uneven sound at the 48 minute mark for a couple of minutes, information on the Libertarian Party, a trombone appears mysteriously, legalizing marijuana, Mr. Radio with laryngitis, controversy over a Miami DJ, controversy over why a local high school radio station plays jazz, Eric's beginnings at WUSB and how it's influenced his feelings about music, questions about other staff members, talk of third parties, trying to find "Clockwork Orange" in local video stores, censorship in videos, confusion in a Monty Python film, a fundraiser is set to begin on the 15th, a murder is committed over the song "Hocus Pocus" by Focus, Paul Weisman has a "lovefest" special coming up at 2 am, a caller takes exception to a priest getting shot, the rights of prisoners, a caller offers to get a promo from Harry Nilsson, Paul Weisman follows. Download It Now!![]() - 03 / 08 / 92 -
"Concert Billboard," various phone sounds, Attila the Stockbroker with a song about Albania, trying to get the country code for Albania, how Jehovah rewarded a faithful youth, Pete Kang drops by, numbers from the primaries, Matt Mankiewich shows up in the primary numbers, the Michelangelo virus, some computer talk with references to problems in the station, Eric's misadventure with the post office, microphone noise, facts about postal inspectors, a notice about chain letters on the Internet, the "Domestic Mail Manual," sexual harassment in "Peanuts," the intimacy of radio, whether or not Dan Quayle is qualified to be president, more political talk, strange postal terms, talk of Belle Terre, the trombone appears again, how to send mail for free, Matt has been talking constantly for the last 12 hours, how to make reading more interesting, Eric tells where people were born by the first three digits of their Social Security Numbers, a caller has an experience with mail fraud, talk of 7-11s, Bumstead trivia and rants about comic strips, presidential trivia, communist plots, North Korea sends Scud missiles to Iran, controversy over the drinking age, talk of M&Ms, What's For Lunch? Download It Now!![]() - 03 / 22 / 92 -
"Concert Billboard," a call for pledges, Arnie cuts the theme, a new 800 number for pledges, the need for signal improvement, Arnie explains the importance of showing support, Eric chastises listeners for not calling in, the quest to break $13,000 for the pledge drive, callers get rude to Hal on the phone, a rare Clash song, Eric wasn't in last week because "time got away," talk of politics, Eric can't get cable, a Jello Biafra spoken word selection, Eric missed a blizzard while he was away, Matt suddenly steps in, audio stops at 1:06. Download It Now! |
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