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"Stardate," Eric is in reverb for some reason, "Moscow Mailbag," a grand finale to the "Moscow Mailbag" theme, Negativland, calling Radio Finland, gunfire, trying to come up with a topic, trying to hack into various numbers, calling a computerized exchange identifier, a call from Christina, Eric answers some personal questions, calling the Great Pumpkin, searching for the number on a voice mail system, there was an El Salvador rally in New York City today, Eric's high school days, recalling a show by Tom Baker while Eric was in Europe, a random call from a Nepalese student, an appeal for electrical engineers, a call from Bowery Boy Huntz Hall's son, Negativland, Eric's authorization is denied, a congratulatory open letter to the people of Albania, the phone company strike should end by Monday, looking for the number for American Friends of Albania, Redd Foxx has financial troubles, thoughts on Tiananmen Square and the future of China, Joey Johnson promo, more questions for Eric, the many differing times at the radio station, Eric thinks of a way to get the correct time out of the phone company, waiting for someone to arrive, another Bowery Boy connection, Crispin Hellion Glover, "Concert Billboard." Download It Now!![]() - 12 / 09 / 89 -
"Stardate," "Germany Today," "Media Roundup" from Radio Moscow, The Dead Kennedys, a tour of countries tonight, "Report From France," The Selecter, Poland is being wired for cable television, a John Lennon memorial and vigil in Prague, deviance and decadence in society, the continuing story of a sexual scandal in the Hamptons, Eric relates the story of his dog Walter and his pursuit of a neighborhood chihuahua, some unfortunate side effects, more details on the scandal and a resulting suicide, the prudishness of society, a violent crime involving a pumpkin, how everyone has secrets, why it would be good to have a president who smoked pot in the past, Reagan's Supreme Court appointees, the right to die issue, Eric's trip to Baffin Island, how to get to Iqaluit, the hunting controversy involving Inuit and Newfoundland fisherman, the fur industry, inhumane treatment of livestock, a total of 12 cases of AIDS are reported in the Soviet Union, how AIDS cases in Cuba are segregated from the general public, waiting for a payphone to demand money from Jim Doomsayer, the treatment of chickens, a massacre at a college in Canada, The Selecter, considering the possibility of moving the show to a later time, The Specials, drunk driving PSA, "Concert Billboard." Download It Now!![]() - 12 / 16 / 89 -
"Stardate," "The Rod and Charles Show" from the CBC: Charles Turns Purple, Wendy Carlos, there was a record library cleaning party this week which led to the discovery of many old records, Eric is upset at the incorrect forecasts for snow this week, the commercialization of Christmas, everyone is studying, Eric discovers that Snapple has Nutrasweet, a world tour tonight, Portugese music, trouble with the phone system, calling directory assistance in Portugal, getting the number for the phone company, Spanish music, calling directory assistance in Spain, Edith Piaf, calling directory assistance in France, calling directory assistance in Luxembourg, Dutch music from Radio Nederland, calling directory assistance in Belgium, calling directory assistance in The Netherlands, German music, calling directory assistance in West Germany, calling directory assistance in Switzerland, calling directory assistance in Italy, an Italian translator, The Vienna Choir Boys, calling directory assistance in Austria, calling directory assistance in Yugoslavia, attempting to call Albania, calling directory assistance in Greece, calling directory assistance in Bulgaria, calling directory assistance in Romania, wondering whether Turkey and Israel qualify as European countries, Big Audio Dynamite. Download It Now!![]() - 12 / 22 / 89 -
This is not an edition of "Brain Damage." This special broadcast took place after the U.S. invasion of Panama. "Pacifica News," Chris LaPorta adds commentary, a bounty on the head of Manuel Noriega, possible reasons for the invasion, today's events in Romania, why it's up to the people to decide, reliability of polls, apathy from listeners, predictions on how long the fighting will last, Bush's "wimp" image, subtle manipulations of public opinion, questioning whether drugs had anything to do with the invasion, predictions on what will happen to Noriega, Mort Mecklosky describes the U.S. involvement in Central America over the years, the need for full disclosure, 21 Americans have died so far, how Grenada coverage helped to shape the media's approach in Panama, the void that Pacifica fills, Mort explains why Bush won't get away with the same things Reagan did, hypocrisy in the U.S. relationship with China, rejoining WBAI coverage, Dennis Bernstein, Robert Knight, a live call from Panama with updated casualty figures, Geri Zuckerman holiday greeting, an interview with human rights attorney Frank LaRue, the human rights situation in Guatemala, Andrew Phillips, Amy Goodman's interview with Peace Brigades International member Meredith Larson who was attacked yesterday in Guatemala, Janey Skinner, news update, last words from listeners, commentators on WBAI talk about WUSB, "Stardate." Download It Now! |
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